Independent Work - Suffixes and Beyond

These sheets are designed to support children with suffix joins. In this programme we use ‘stick’ for simple joins (eg kick-kicked), ‘double’ for joins where the consonant needs to be doubled (eg jog-jogged), ‘cut’ for joins where an extra ‘e’ needs removing (eg joke-joked), and ‘switch’ for when a word ending in ‘y’ needs to changing to an ‘i’ (eg cry-cried).


We use ‘glue’ to represent ‘stick’, ‘double gates’ to represent ‘double’, ‘scissors’ to represent ‘cut’ and ‘an arrow’ to represent ‘switch’. We create activities where children have to actually use glue and scissors to create the joins so they have a physical experience to relate to when making spelling decisions.

Vowel suffixes

suffix - double.jpg
suffix - switch .jpg
suffixes - cut .png

suffix -ed

suffixes -er and -est

suffix -en

suffix -ing

suffixes -er and -est

suffix -y

suffixes -ed & -ing

suffixes -er & -est

vowel suffixes

suffixes -ed & -ing

suffixes -ed, -ing,
-est & -er

Consonant Suffixes

suffix -s

suffix -ly

suffix -ful and -less



Contractions 1

Contractions 2